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Workers of F.I.B #9: Boon Staff


The FIB has been growing widely around Boon, and may even be considered Boon's largest agency at the moment! However, none of us would have expected that it's grown so big that even the Boon staff have decided to join! Maybe Boon staff grew bored of their normal routines around the hotel, but we're not complaining; the workers even seem to be having a good time whenever they're around. Let's have a little talk with them and see if they are having a pleasant time in FIB as well! Thank you to niks, jenner, MOD-saturn, and MOD-Bobby for the opportunity to interview them!

Who was the first to work in FIB and what made you decide to follow?

niks: I’m pretty sure is was pespidoge or MOD-lily. They spoke about it in our chat and then from there one by one we all started joining to see what all the fuss was about

jenner: I believe Ash Pespidoge and MOD-lily were the first to join and one day MOD-lily asked who wants to go to FIB and MOD-saturn and I joined

MOD-saturn: MOD-chinese/ MOD-lily! She told us the workers at FIB are really friendly and sweet so one fine day, jenner and I decided to visit and eventually became workers here!!

MOD-Bobby: I saw Saturn and Jenner working in the FIB so I thought I'd give it a try!

How is your FIB experience so far? Do you have any experiences that stand out yet?

niks: It’s been really good, I’ve been surprised at how much I’ve actually enjoyed being here. Most stand out moment has to be when I had a massive chat with a few of the workers, they were super sweet and fun to talk to.

jenner: So far so good, no complaints

MOD-saturn: I LOOOOOOOVE FIB!! Just like MOD-lily said, the workers here are really friendly and easy-going! Also, this is my first time working in an agency so I really enjoy being and working here at FIB, both working and speaking to people and it is a completely different environment compared to events because usually we have users bashing and hating on each other which increased negativity but working here, it's always so lively and there's always joy in FIB!

MOD-Bobby: I really like it. There's plenty to do and my most memorable moment so far has been the court cases.

Give a shout-out to some FIB workers who supported your stay!

niks: Renjo, Dollar, shivers, Happyfaircake, Ilayyy, OliverKing, xxBrie

jenner: HappyFairCake shivers ect... they're very kind

MOD-saturn: The first person who came to my mind is my long lost wife TAYLENE !! I love her so much, and there's Thomas, Jaquan the wife stealer, OliverKing who kept reminding me about my tag being weird, shivers amazing roleplaying skills for my trainer test, Carlo the weeb, Jxtipuff the SxM GOSHUJINSAMA, Nwoob the nub... there's so many people i would like to mention!!! They made my stay at FIB enjoyable and of course I would love to get to know the others more !!

MOD-Bobby: I'd like to thank Taylene and shivers for being so lovely and nice and lovely and nice and lovely.

Do you have any suggestions to bring to the agency?

niks: None at the moment!

jenner: At least once a week whole FIB staff dance party

MOD-saturn: I don't think i have any suggestions because I love everything about the agency from the floors to the people...Well, I'm not good at giving suggestions : (

MOD-Bobby: I don't have any suggestions as I am still very new... But I will have plenty of time to think of some!

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